Monday, October 27, 2008

Yokota Air Base

So I know I've been slacking in the blog department, I love looking at everyone Else's! Here are some last pictures that took while in Yokota.

A picture from inside the plane. I had to sneak it because they count it as an electronic device that sends signals, so the lady was telling me to turn it off.

The first time I went to Yokota, they give you a small map of the base and a list of stuff. There was a list of restaurants and one said The Outback. I was SSSOOO excited, I called Ryan and was rubbing it in his face, I went there that night! This is what I found.....

The sign isn't the Outback sign, but I thought well maybe...

This is the whole building, but I didn't get a picture of the inside, needless to say IT'S NOT the Outback. It's just the "out back" of the Officers club right next to it, you don't even have waitress there! I was so made, but they are building a Chillis that will be done next spring, so I need to find a reason to go there!

Here is the bank, I was on the second floor, that is where the training that goes on for all of mainland Japan. It's nice because they fly you up there :)

This is the Community Center, all Air Force Bases are going to this, the first level is the Commisary and fast food places, the second is the BX (PX, NEX, MCX, whatever you want to call it), then the third floor was the new car sales and parking.

I went to the Sunrise bakery the last day I was there and I didn't realize how close you are to the air field, there is no fence you could just run out there and touch the planes!

Here is the outside of my hotel, it's not the nice one where you check in at, no they put you in the old barracks that we renovated, lucky us!

This is what you see when you walk in. Kitchen to the left, bathroom to the right, bedroom to the right and living area to the left.

Yes, that's right, they used to have a stove there but they took it out and left the hood!

The lovely bathroom that when you were taking a shower it would constantly change from cold to scalding hot!

The bed was not bad, but some really hard pillows

This is where I spent a lot of my time at night because they have regular t.v.!!!!!!! It was so amazing to watch real commercials! One day I'll tape the AFN commercials here, AFN is the Armed Forces Network, so you get all the stupid commerical and propaganda and the stupid ones the base makes.

I know it's hard to see, but this is the big van I drove around.

And this is the BEST Italian food I have ever had, it's at a place called Un Quinto I think, just right off base, it's better not to drive because it's hard to find a parking place. I went there ALL the time! They had some really great Callimari there too!


Sariah said...

Awesome trip! Hilarious about the "out back"! You can only count your blessings it was just that and not something worse with a name like that!!! lol.

I hear that everybody looooves vans in Japan. Is that true?

Also, what is the base name that you are stationed at? A friend of mine used to live there and is so in love with whatever update I give her of you. She's dying to know where you were. Her husband was a Marnie (now retired...yes, I'm old with old friends).

Alyssia said...

A lot of the Japanese people have vans, but they aren't as big as the ones in the states, I'll have to take some pictures of the different cars here. I live in Iwakuni, which is right outside Hiroshima. Let me know if she want's anymore updates about this place!

Gma & Pa Haslam said...

That is interesting to know about the bases compacting everything in one spot. Guess they are not concerned if everything gets blown up in a bombing or something. Just thinking of Pearl Harbor and how they lined all the ships and planes up and made it easy to destroy them. Guess history repeats its self.